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Exceptional quality, guaranteed

At Channeline, our quality philosophy is simple: to produce the best GRP rehabilitation liners in the world. This means not only ensuring the quality of each and every liner that we make, but also to continually strive to further enhance the quality and performance of our products. This is a continuous process which actively involves everyone from senior management through to our people on the factory floor.

Our assurance processes mean we’re confident in the quality of our product; that’s why we offer a standard guarantee of ten years. We also provide certificates of conformity together with the test result handbook for every delivery we ship; so our clients can be confident too.

Meeting international

Channeline in-house inspection and testing complies with standards recognised worldwide for the manufacturing, design and testing of GRP structural liners.

Our quality control team perform daily batch testing of each material production run to verify conformity with a range of requirements including wall thickness, flexural modulus, flexural strength, compression, ring stiffness, barcol hardness, and more. These in-house inspections have been proven to comply with all major international industry standards.

Not only that, we work with third-party inspectors and external independent test laboratories, to ensure we deliver on our quality pledge.

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ISO 9001

ISO 9001

This is a quality management system (QMS) standard that helps organizations ensure they meet the needs of customers and other stakeholders while meeting statutory and regulatory requirements related to the product. The QMS provides a framework for consistently providing products and services that meet customer requirements and enhance customer satisfaction.

ISO 14001

ISO 14001

This is an environmental management system (EMS) standard that helps organizations improve their environmental performance through more efficient use of resources and reduction of waste. At Channeline this is important because it demonstrates our commitment to environmental responsibility.

ISO 45001

ISO 45001

This is an occupational health and safety management system (OHSMS) standard that helps organizations provide a safe and healthy workplace by preventing work-related injuries, illnesses, and fatalities, as well as proactively improving OHS performance. It is essential to our organisation to create a safe working environment, reduce workplace risks, and demonstrate compliance with health and safety regulations, thereby protecting employees and minimizing disruptions due to accidents or injuries.



CSTB stands for Centre Scientifique et Technique du Bâtiment, a French organization that provides technical expertise and certification related to construction and building materials. CSTB certification (QB) indicates that a construction product meets certain quality and performance standards set by CSTB, ensuring reliability and suitability for use in construction projects.



BENOR is a Belgian certification mark that guarantees the quality of products and services in various sectors, including construction, manufacturing, and services. BENOR certification indicates that a product or service meets specific quality and safety standards set by the Belgian Bureau for Standardization (NBN), enhancing consumer confidence, and ensuring compliance with regulatory requirements.

CE Marking (Conformité Européenne)

CE Marking (Conformité Européenne)

CE marking indicates conformity with health, safety, and environmental protection standards for products sold within the European Economic Area (EEA). This is important because it allows our products to be freely marketed and sold within the EEA by demonstrating compliance with applicable EU directives and regulations, ensuring consumer safety.

Bureau of Engineering, City of Los Angeles

Bureau of Engineering, City of Los Angeles

The Bureau of Engineering in the City of Los Angeles is responsible for planning, designing, and implementing public infrastructure projects within the city. Compliance with the standards and regulations set by the Bureau of Engineering is crucial for ensuring the safety, reliability, and sustainability of infrastructure projects in Los Angeles. Channeline has been a consistent supplier of structural liners for Los Angeles region for decades ensuring superior quality and reliability of the product in the region.



SABER stands for Saudi Product Safety Program, a conformity assessment system implemented by the Saudi Standards, Metrology and Quality Organization (SASO). It's designed to ensure the safety and quality of products entering the Saudi Arabia market, by verifying that they meet relevant technical regulations and standards.



NSF/ANSI 61 is a standard developed by NSF International and the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) specifically for products that come into contact with drinking water. NSF ANSI 61 certification is crucial for manufacturers of products used in drinking water systems, as it assures consumers and regulatory bodies that these products meet stringent safety and quality standards for potable water use.

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