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Buried, large-diameter pipelines and culverts have represented the backbone of any city’s utility network, in some cases for hundreds of years, but many of these are failing due to age. Channeline's fully-structural rehabilitation solutions give a new life to existing structures.

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Heavy rainfall and impervious surfaces such as roofs and asphalt roads leading rain directly into sewer systems often cause sewers and wastewater treatment plants to reach their full capacity. An effective and reliable network of stormwater drainage infrastructure is needed to combat this challenge. Channeline offers a fully-structural rehabilitation solution for stormwater drainage systems.

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Rail and road culverts

Rail and road culverts

Culverts allow water to flow freely under railways and roads. Their design has to consider a number of factors like the weight of the surrounding soil and roads, the soil type of the foundations, and the expected water properties including their flow rates.

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Seawater cooling networks

Seawater cooling networks

The operation of a seawater cooling network or system follows a straightforward process. Initially, water is drawn from either a lake or an ocean using pumps. Subsequently, this water passes through a heat exchanger. Within the heat exchanger, a closed-loop fresh water distribution system facilitates the cooling process. Finally, the cooled water is circulated to effectively cool the buildings.

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Tunnels are underground passages used for transportation, such as roads, railways, and subways, facilitating efficient travel through mountains, under bodies of water, or congested urban areas. They also serve utilities like water, sewage, and telecommunication lines, enhancing infrastructure connectivity and functionality.

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Channeline excels in crafting bespoke solutions tailored to meet diverse client needs. Leveraging cutting-edge technology and extensive expertise, we meticulously design and manufacture custom products for various applications. Our design team collaborates closely with clients, understanding their specific requirements and challenges to deliver innovative solutions.

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